Trainings and Workshops

Trainings and Workshops

The Global Centre utilizes trainings, workshops and formal briefings on country situations to build the capacity of others to identify, confront and mobilize appropriate response to the risk of atrocity crimes. These courses and briefings enable policy makers, foreign service members, peacekeepers and other practitioners to improve their situational awareness and understand the context in which they are operating or the crises they are confronting through an atrocity prevention lens. The Global Centre has also designed and delivered courses for civil society around the world that helps them bridge the gap between their existing local, on the ground advocacy and outreach with multilateral decision makers.

Over the years the Global Centre has offered a variety of different trainings, workshops and briefings that have greatly expanded the cohort of people who have the capacity to understand the atrocity prevention lens and the unique tools available to them, in their individual roles, to respond.

  • Helped design and facilitate the first-ever R2P Course at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre
  • Peacekeeping Training of Trainers Course, delivered at seven different peacekeeping training centers to trainers from more than 30 countries
  • Annual Investigative Mechanisms Workshop offered for diplomats in Geneva
  • Civil society course on how to effectively utilize the Universal Periodic Review process to highlight atrocity risks in their own country and hold their governments accountable (delivered with UPR Info)
  • Embassy trainings focused on identifying local sources of risk and understanding response
  • Training for R2P Focal Points and their working-level staff on how governments can implement R2P
  • Multi-day civil society workshops on how to engage in multilateral advocacy on atrocity risks, tailored to individual regional or country contexts
  • Confidential briefings for members of the Group of Friends of R2P and R2P Focal Points network, individual member states, regional organizations and the UN Security Council, providing Global Centre analysis of imminent risks in specific country situations


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Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5203
New York, NY 10016-4309, USA

Phone: +1 212-817-1929 |
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