Resolution 55/21 (DPRK) A/HRC/RES/55/21

4 April 2024

On 4 April the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted Resolution 55/21 on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The HRC adopted this annual resolution on the DPRK by consensus, reiterating deep concern about the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations that in many instances constitutes crimes against humanity, as well as the pervasive culture of impunity and lack of accountability. The resolution renewed the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on DPRK and requested that the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights organize a series of consultations and outreach activities with victims, affected communities and other relevant stakeholders. The resolution also requested the UN High Commissioner submit a comprehensive report containing an update on the situation of human rights in the DPRK since 2014, when the report of the Commission of Inquiry was published and established responsibility at the highest level of government for ongoing crimes against humanity, and taking stock of the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations, to the HRC at its sixtieth session. The resolution also recalled the “responsibility of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to protect its population from crimes against humanity.”

United Nations Human Rights Council


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