Resolution 43/27 (South Sudan) A/HRC/RES/43/27

22 June 2020

On 22 June 2020 the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) passed Resolution 43/27 on the situation of human rights in South Sudan. The HRC stressed that those responsible for violations and abuses of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law in South Sudan, including any that amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity, should be held accountable. The HRC urged the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity to establish all transitional justice institutions, including the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, the commission for truth, reconciliation and healing and the compensation and reparation authority. The HRC reaffirmed the mandate of the Commission on Human Rights (CoHR) in South Sudan, with continued emphasis on the need to establish the facts and circumstances of alleged violations and abuses of human rights, and welcomed the recommendations made by the CoHR on ending impunity and ensuring accountability. The HRC decided to extend the mandate of the CoHR for a period of one year and requested the CoHR to convene two workshops on transitional justice, with the participation of relevant stakeholders. The HRC requested the CoHR to present an oral update to the HRC at its 45th session during an enhanced interactive dialogue, with the participation of representatives of the African Union, and to present a comprehensive written report to the HRC at its 46th session during an interactive dialogue. The resolution recalled that “the Government of South Sudan has the responsibility to protect all of its population in the country from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity,” and further recalled that, “the Government of South Sudan has the responsibility to protect all of its population in the country from any violations that may amount to crimes against international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

The resolution was adopted without a vote.

United Nations Human Rights Council

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