R2P Monitor and Atrocity Alert

R2P Monitor and Atrocity Alert

As the Global Centre’s signature publications, R2P Monitor and Atrocity Alert are central to our efforts aimed at informing policy makers within governments, regional organizations and the United Nations on situations where R2P is applicable.

R2P Monitor and Atrocity Alert provide analysis on situations where populations are threatened by mass atrocities, as well as an assessment of international efforts to prevent and respond to them.

R2P Monitor

R2P Monitor, which launched in January 2012, is a quarterly publication applying an atrocity prevention lens to situations where populations are at risk of, or are currently facing, mass atrocity crimes. After more than a decade in publication, in March 2023 R2P Monitor was updated with a new look and new atrocity risk analysis.

For each country featured in the R2P Monitor, the Global Centre provided detailed background on the situation, with particular emphasis on broad trends, key events and actors and their connection to the threat; highlights recent developments in the situation that may have increased the risk of mass atrocities or improved the circumstances facing populations; offers analysis of the factors and indicators that have enabled the possible commission of mass atrocity crimes or prevented their resolution; provides an atrocity risk assessment listing five key factors that are contributing to the worsening of the situation or exacerbating risks; and suggests necessary action to prevent or halt the commission of mass atrocity crimes.

R2P Monitor assesses countries across two categories:

  • Current Crisis: Mass atrocity crimes are occurring and urgent action is needed.
  • Imminent Risk: The risk of mass atrocity crimes occurring, or recurring, is significant if effective preventive action is not taken.

Atrocity Alert

Atrocity Alert is a weekly e-mail providing a concise and accessible bulletin on evolving crises. Within Atrocity Alert the Global Centre highlights situations that may be neglected by the wider international community and provides early warning on situations where atrocity risks may grow if urgent steps are not taken by the government or international community.

Since it was introduced in 2016, Atrocity Alert has established itself as a respected and timely source of information regarding recent developments in situations where populations are at risk of, or are enduring, mass atrocity crimes.


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Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5203
New York, NY 10016-4309, USA

Phone: +1 212-817-1929 | info@globalr2p.org
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