Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Episode 16: Beatriz Borges

Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention Episode 16: Beatriz Borges

29 November 2022

Expert Voices on Atrocity Prevention is a podcast by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. The podcast, hosted by Global Centre Research Director Jaclyn Streitfeld-Hall, features one-on-one conversations with practitioners from the field of human rights, conflict prevention, atrocity prevention and other related agendas. These conversations aim to provide a glimpse of the personal and professional side of how practitioners approach human rights protection and atrocity prevention. New episodes are released monthly. The podcast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundCloud and YouTube. Please subscribe for new episodes.

In this episode we spoke with Beatriz Borges, Executive Director of Centro de Justicia y Paz (CEPAZ). During the episode, Beatriz shares her unique experience as a human rights defender from Venezuela and sheds light on the risks faced by civil society across the country. She also highlights the important avenues through which the international community and external stakeholders should address the multidimensional crisis in Venezuela.

The episode begins with an overview of the Global Centre’s assessment of the situation with our Venezuela Expert, Elisabeth Pramendorfer.


Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

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