This morning, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. Frans Timmermans, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, H.E. Professor Viola Onwuliri, in association with the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, co-hosted a ministerial breakfast meeting on: Enhancing Preventive Strategies for the Responsibility to Protect.
Ministers representing 11 governments from across the globe participated in the discussion while 20 other governments attended as observers. The United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Mr. Adama Dieng, also participated in the meeting.
The principle of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has come a long way since 2005. The commitment to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing has now become an operational reality. The advocacy of ministers from all regions of the world has been vital in shifting the debate on R2P from a question of principle to meaningful application.
The aim of this year’s Ministerial Roundtable was to discuss how preventive measures can reduce the risk of mass atrocity crimes. Participants at this morning’s meeting discussed the full range of preventive options, including protection of human rights, establishment of good governance, promotion of socioeconomic development and appointment of national R2P Focal Points. Short-term components of prevention were also considered, including early warning and preventive diplomacy.
Those in attendance also acknowledged the tragedy of the failure to adequately prevent mass atrocity crimes. The situation in Syria was highlighted as an example of the grave consequences of not protecting vulnerable populations from the developing threat of atrocities in a timely and decisive manner.
The co-hosts and the governments who attended remain committed to broadening discussions on the Responsibility to Protect and enhancing strategies to prevent mass atrocity crimes.
For further comment or information about the meeting please contact:
Ms. Savita Pawnday, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Director of Programs, via telephone at (212) 817-1922 or e-mail at spawnday@globalr2p.org.
Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5203
New York, NY 10016-4309, USA