An important part of the Global Centre’s work is framing the narrative around country situations to account for atrocity risks, bringing these to the attention of policy enablers and decision-makers within governments and the UN and mobilizing effective and context-specific responses to atrocity risks. We assess situations through an atrocity prevention lens, which highlights who is at risk, what factors contribute to that risk and what needs to be done to ensure their protection. When these actors understand what it means to uphold R2P and how to operationalize it effectively, they are better equipped to leverage tools and act decisively in situations where populations are at risk.
Our publications, such as our country analysis and weekly Atrocity Alert, provide policy-relevant research and strategic guidance to governments, UN officials and civil society activists on how to prevent or halt mass atrocity crimes.
Our country analysis applies an atrocity prevention lens to situations where populations are experiencing, or are at risk of, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing. For each population at risk we provide detailed background on the situation, with particular emphasis on broad trends, key events and actors and their connection to the threat; highlight recent developments in the situation that may have increased the risk of mass atrocities or improved the circumstances facing populations; offer analysis of the factors and indicators that have enabled the possible commission of mass atrocity crimes or prevented their resolution; provide an atrocity risk assessment listing five key factors that are contributing to the worsening of the situation or exacerbating risks; and suggest necessary action to prevent or halt the commission of mass atrocity crimes and protect populations.
We assess situations across two categories:
Atrocity Alert is a weekly e-mail providing a concise and accessible bulletin on evolving crises. Within Atrocity Alert the Global Centre highlights situations that may be neglected by the wider international community and provides early warning on situations where atrocity risks may grow if urgent steps are not taken by the government or international community.
Since it was introduced in 2016, Atrocity Alert has established itself as a respected and timely source of information regarding recent developments in situations where populations are at risk of, or are enduring, mass atrocity crimes.
Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5203
New York, NY 10016-4309, USA